
A New Year and Some Reflections

Happy 2015, y’all! With a new year comes new hope that it will be better than the last… and that those sewing goals you set for last year will be completed this year (ahem, Sewaholic Thurlow trousers… ahem…).

I’ve decided to jump on the bandwagon and do my top 5 hits and top 5 misses for this past year, courtesy of Crafting A Rainbow!

15343108663_0fbe099154_zTop 5 hits (in no particular order):

I must start out with a dress that I wear the heck out of at work, my first Cambie!

IMG_1008I always feel so put-together when I wear this and usually get compliments at work. The fabric isn’t the most expensive, so it’s showing a bit of wear already, but I can easily replace this once it finally bites the dust. 😉


Next up is the Wedding Guest Dress of Doom!


It was definitely a challenge to make, but the end product was worth it! I need to find more reasons to wear this…


The third hit is my Chicken Mama Renfrew!

IMG_0950This is another piece that has been worn to death. It’s so soft and comfortable… plus I’m loving the 3/4 length sleeves.


Next, I can’t forget about my Daenaerys Targaryen costume!

IMG_4547This took a while but was very fun to make. I’m looking forward to busting this costume out again at the Arizona Renaissance Festival in February.


And last but not least, the Saints Quilt I made for my dad for Father’s Day.

IMG_4283I had no idea what I was doing and just kind of winged it, but it turned out pretty well! When I visited in October, I got to see it hanging on his wall and it looks good. Yay!

 Top 5 misses (in no particular order):

By far the saddest thing I’ve made this year was my Dress of High Hopes and Huge Disappointment.


The only issue was the sizing and me trying to “fix” it. I’m hoping to find the right size pattern when Butterick goes on sale and attempt this again! I’m looking at you, Hancock Fabrics… make sure you have my size next time, yo.


The next offender is the Pencil Skirt with a Twist.


Same issue as above – the pattern was a bit too large and I all of a sudden started sucking at darts. What is this weirdness? This actually got worn twice already to work, though. It doesn’t look as bad when you cover the butt darts with a sweater.


Although I am kind of proud of it, the next is my corset for the Renaissance Festival.

IMG_0890Again, this was a sizing issue as I apparently think I’m fluffier than I really am. The back overlaps and that’s a weird thing for a corset to do.


Cambie: Hoping for Autumn comes next.

IMG_4235This gets worn a lot and I’ve had many compliments on it, so really the only reason it’s in the misses is that I stupidly lined the whole dress in the same fabric as the shell. It’s pretty bulky and heavy, so it’s not the most comfortable dress to wear. It does do well in the winter, though, as it’s crazy thick. 🙂


And finally, the 50’s Vintage Bra Top!


I haven’t worn this yet and maybe it’ll work in the summer, but it’s a little big. I’m sensing a theme here.


2014 made my fourth (third and a half?) year sewing. Looking back I notice I’m at least getting smarter with fabric choices and making more wearable items. For 2014, I wanted to focus on the cake – the everyday wear. I do wear my makes quite often so that makes me feel pretty good. Even the “misses” aren’t that bad… but I had to pick them because that’s the point of the whole “Top 5” thing!

Do I have goals for 2015? Hmmm, I’m not one for making resolutions, so let’s call them “focus points.” I will focus on buying patterns and making clothes that are not initially too large for me.

I’m hoping to make more clothes this year as having a serger should make me create faster. I have a feeling there will be lots of overtime at work this year, so hopefully that won’t cut into too much sewing time. I also need to make the clothes I’ve been putting off making or have just not found the time to make. I’m hoping this year will be the year I make a real Ugly Christmas Sweater, featuring my fur babies… mwahahaha.

I’ll also keep up with Sew RED-y! This little corner of the internet/sewing blogosphere makes me so happy and I’m going to keep doing things that make me happy!

I wish you all the best and happiest new year ever and hope 2015 rocks your socks off!

Obligatory adorable Tasso and Boudin picture.


2 thoughts on “A New Year and Some Reflections

    1. Thanks! I’ll have some travel time this weekend to start reading the Game of Thrones books I ordered so hopefully I can catch up to wherever the TV show is and learn more about Daenerys.

      I’m not jealous of European winter for sure. It snowed a tiny bit (slush, really) on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s morning and I almost froze my butt off. Stay warm and toasty! Happy New Year to you, too! 😀


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