
Happy first birthday, Sew RED-y!

Definitely NOT a cake I made!

One year ago today I published my first blog post. And what’s a blogiversary without some introspection?

Before Sew RED-y, I was perusing various sewing blogs for inspiration and tutorials and fell in love with the sewing “blogosphere.” I loved how everyone had their own unique style and how pleasant and positive the commenters were. I couldn’t really believe how well-mannered and NICE people were – especially online where so many tend to unleash the worst in themselves, hiding behind a monitor. I wanted to be a part of that super talented, super nice community.

Sewing is a newer passion in my life and it engulfs most of my free time between blogging, fabric shopping, finding inspiration, and of course creating. I really can’t see how I could live without it now. It provides a wonderful creative outlet which I NEED since I have always been a creative person.

And now since I have become part of this sewing “blogosphere,” I can’t imagine my life without y’all. YES, YES, IT’S CHEESY, I KNOW!! But hear me out. I have people that actually CARE about what I do (or just stop by to see what silliness I have posted on the internet) and I’ve made virtual friends that share the same passion. This is a great community and I can’t say that enough. YOU GUYS ARE GREAT. I love having great people in my life (and also my virtual life!).

Even though it’s only been a year, it feels like I have been doing this much longer. Maybe it’s because I’ve made a bajillion posts between then and now (actually this makes my 81st post!). Maybe it’s because it’s become such a wonderful part of my life. Maybe it’s just been a heck of a year and it feels like it’s dragging, LOL.

But I wanted to take the time to say THANK YOU to all of you, for without my ever-growing subscribers and the occasional stranger, I would just feel creepy writing stuff and publishing it for the world to see if no one ever took the time to read it. 😉

Also, a big THANK YOU goes out to my other half, DD, for taking most of the pictures featured here and putting up with my cries of, “I can’t do the dishes NOW, I need to finish this blog post first!” Without you, I’d just have weird crappy phone selfies and no twirly pictures.

And just because I think stats are fun and it would be cool to look back and see my progress, here’s a breakdown of my blog stats for its first year:

81 posts


2,447 visitors

67 subscribed followers

Most viewed single post: Peacock Scoop Top

I’m not sure how to gauge the success of my blog, but I think this is pretty darn awesome for my first year! Again, it wouldn’t be possible without YOU and I am SO looking forward to the years to come!



13 thoughts on “Happy first birthday, Sew RED-y!

  1. Congrats, RED! The cake is adorable. I only started following your blog a little bit ago, but I love it. I joined the blogosphere a year and a half ago, but I am glad to be part of it. Thanks for posting this, it made me remember just how nice the sewing bloggers are.


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  2. Woo hoo!! Happy 1st Blogiversary! It goes so fast, doesn’t it??? I am so glad that we’ve “met” (online only, but still!) and that you share what you make with all of us. Here’s to another year of SewRED-y greatness! =)

    (PS, I have always wondered: does DD read your blog?? I guess I am curious because I will not let my husband-slash-blog-photographer read mine and I don’t know if that’s weird, LOL.)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad that we’ve “met,” too! Being online friends through blogging feels a lot less creepy than random chat room or instant messenger friends back in the day, LOL! People who sew are way cool and have a good head on their shoulders. 😉

      DD was actually my first email subscriber! He claims he reads them, but I honestly think he just skims through or just clicks on the links in his email to get me another view, hah! He thinks it’s weird that I type how I talk, but I don’t want this blog to feel like a high school English paper. I don’t know if it’s weird that you don’t let Mr. Mads look at your blog — but how do you know he’s not secretly checking it out when you’re not around? 😉

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  3. Happy blogoversary! The cake is adorable! I’m glad to “know” you. You are so, so funny and you really inspire me. I totally decided to be brave and try Colette patterns again because of you. A Lily is in my future, and I know I must have plum lost my mind if I’m considering a dress that requires a strapless bra, breaking my hard and fast ban against such devices and going against my philosophy that strapless is actually, a 4 letter word. I look forward to your makes and musings on sewings and your chicken pictures!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw, thank you for the kind words! This is why I love the sewing world – everyone is way cool. 🙂

      Ahhh good luck on your Lily! I’m scared to branch out into Colette’s woven patterns still, but maybe you’ll inspire ME for that!! 😉


    1. Wow, thank you! You’re super sweet. 🙂 Yeah, you are one of my original Sew RED-y-ers… hmmm… I need to figure out a better name for my peeps, LOL! RED hot mamas/papas!? Sew-scribers? Haha OK I need to stop before this gets crazy…. 😀

      Here’s to another year plus! Yay!

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