Finished projects · Throwback Thursday

Throwback Thursday: Colette Sorbetto

As you may (or may not) have noticed, my Throwback Thursday posts aren’t coming at you every week now. I’ve decided to slow down because I’m running out of old projects to post and I feel like I now have quite enough content in the blog to keep y’all entertained. This is my 65th post in 9 months – I’ve been a busy little sewing bee! So now I’ve decided to post once a week as long as I have projects to share. I hope that works for you, too!

So enough with business, let’s get to the sewing! This TBT post is all about the Colette Sorbetto – a FREE pattern! I made this in the summer of 2013 with a polyester remnant I bought from SAS Fabrics.

1016545_886520533785_136558402_nI’m afraid I don’t do the pattern justice here. There’s a few things wrong with it, but overall, it’s a cute little top.

IMG_5300The main thing that’s wrong is the placement of the darts. I’m not sure if I just sewed the wrong size or my boobs aren’t perky enough, but as you can see in the photo above, the dart is a good 3/4″ from the bust apex. That’s also a VERY long dart. Another issue is the armhole. It’s small so it’s wedged up in my arm pits like WHOAH, which doesn’t make it too comfortable. These “problems” seem easy enough to fix if you’re willing to tweak the pattern a little (or maybe go up a size or two…).

I also recommend NOT using a non-breathable, very hard-to-press fabric like a poly. In the Arizona summer, this gets very uncomfortable very fast.

I find it’s much cuter on Brunhilde.

I added a good bit to the length – maybe about 3 inches or so since I’m taller than your average woman.

This project is a first for me in that it was the first time I made my own bias tape. The black fabric is what I’m guessing is another polyester from WalMart, so it’s cheap. It worked out well enough so I’m happy about that.

IMG_5301One great thing I learned from this pattern is a neat way on how to apply bias tape. I use it for all of my bias-bound neck and arm holes now. I won’t go into detail about it here because you can easily read about it in the pattern, but I swear it’s awesome.

So all-in-all I give this top a “meh.” I’ve only worn it a handful of times and because it’s not very comfortable, I’m unfortunately going to give this one away in my first purge-of-the-handmades to Goodwill. I’m still working on the purge, but there will be quite a few makes that will hopefully make someone else happier. Plus, DD told me this top reminded him of Pebbles Flintstone. Once you see it, you can’t un-see it:

adult-deluxe-pebbles-flintstone-costumeHow about you? Have you ever made something that you didn’t realize would remind you of something bizarre until it was too late?


9 thoughts on “Throwback Thursday: Colette Sorbetto

  1. Ah, the Sorbetto…it’s free, so maybe one day I’ll go back to it and try again. My lone attempt resulted in a hot mess that was too tight (despite cutting the “right” size), too short, and too pit-cramping. I didn’t even examine the dart position, but it’s likely too high on me, too. I guess you could just get a 50’s or 60’s style bra and hoist your girls up to match the darts on this one!

    Your top is really cute though, and reminds me NOT AT ALL of Pebbles. (Also, is there anything that Halloween costume manufacturers won’t ruin by making a “sexy” version?!?) Maybe we should have a Sorbetto Reconciliation sew-along and try again together, LOL!

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  2. I’m glad I’m not the only one that had these problems! I guess that’s the risk you take with a free pattern. I’m giving Colette Patterns another try as I just ordered the Moneta PDF. I need to live in dresses in the summer and I think the Moneta will be work-appropriate, too. Plus if there’s fitting issues, I would hope it wouldn’t be that bad since it’s for knits.

    I think the worst “sexy” Halloween costume is “Sexy Bert and Ernie” from Sesame Street… or any sexy muppet, period. Maybe the sewing community can come up with sewing-themed sexy costumes… a sexy seam ripper? Pin cushion? But it sounds like those could go terribly, terribly wrong.

    Sorbetto reconciliation sew-along… I like the sound of that! I’m not sure if I’ll try it again, but I’ve seen versions where the front pleat is replaced with only gathers at the top. Could be cute!


  3. That’s hilarious! It totally looks like pebbles.
    I haven’t made anything that reminded me of something else…but I did use this crazy fabric to make a maxi dress that was TOTALLY not as cute as I thought it would be…it was horrible lol AND the for was atrocious. I still don’t ever know what went wrong lol

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    1. Isn’t it a bummer when you’re stoked about a project but it doesn’t work out in the end? I hate it when that happens! Too bad about your maxi dress – maybe with a different fabric it will work better?

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    1. Yeah I’m not sure who they drafted the pattern for, but their torso is probably only a foot long, ha!

      I’m glad it doesn’t look as bad as I think it does… thanks!!

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